In this page I provide you with script codes in order to send a Pushbullet's push. Please take note of the following requirements:
For further details about Pushbullet's API, refer to this page.
#!/bin/bash token_id="" body="My body" title="My Title" type="note" json="{\"type\":\"$type\",\"body\":\"$body\",\"title\":\"$title\"}" accesstoken=$(printf "Access-Token: %s" $token_id) curl_return=$(/opt/bin/curl --header "$accesstoken" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-binary "$json" \ --request POST \ echo $curl_return
#!/bin/bash token_id="" body="My body" title="My Title" link="" type="link" json="{\"type\":\"$type\",\"body\":\"$body\",\"title\":\"$title\",\"url\":\"$link\"}" accesstoken=$(printf "Access-Token: %s" $token_id) curl_return=$(/opt/bin/curl --header "$accesstoken" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-binary "$json" \ --request POST \ echo $curl_return
To send a file, there are two ways. In the first way,
we must have a file already available. In the second way, we have to retrieve a file from Internet.
The following script, retrieves a file already in the same folder of the script.
#!/bin/bash token_id="" body="My body" title="My Title" file_name="picture.jpg" file_type=$(file -i -b $file_name) json="{\"file_name\":\"$file_name\",\"file_type\":\"$file_type\"}" accesstoken=$(printf "Access-Token: %s" $token_id) curl_return=$(/opt/bin/curl --header "$accesstoken" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-binary "$json" \ --request POST \ file_name=$(echo $curl_return | /opt/bin/grep -oP '"(file_name)":"\K.*?(?=")') file_url=$(echo $curl_return | /opt/bin/grep -oP '"(file_url)":"\K.*?(?=")') file_type=$(echo $curl_return | /opt/bin/grep -oP '"(file_type)":"\K.*?(?=")') upload_url=$(echo $curl_return | /opt/bin/grep -oP '"(upload_url)":"\K.*?(?=")') /opt/bin/curl -i -X POST $upload_url -F file=@$file_name type="file" json1="{\"type\":\"$type\",\"title\":\"$title\",\"body\":\"$body\",\"file_name\":\"$file_name\",\"file_type\":\"$file_type\",\"file_url\":\"$file_url\"}" ret_curl=$(/opt/bin/curl --header "$accesstoken" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-binary "$json1" \ --request POST \ echo $ret_curl
The following script, retrieves a file from Internet.
#!/bin/bash token_id="" body="My body" title="My Title" file_name="pexels.jpg" file_url="" file_type="image/jpeg" accesstoken=$(printf "Access-Token: %s" $token_id) type="file" json="{\"type\":\"$type\",\"title\":\"$title\",\"body\":\"$body\",\"file_name\":\"$file_name\",\"file_type\":\"$file_type\",\"file_url\":\"$file_url\"}" curl_return=$(/opt/bin/curl --header "$accesstoken" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-binary "$json" \ --request POST \ echo $curl_return