Giuseppe Parrello


How to manage Yeelight Smart bulbs

In this page I provide you with script codes in order to manage Yeelight Smart bulbs. Before using the following codes, please take note that inside the Yeelight App (this is the link to the Android App), you need to select the smart bulb to manage, and then enable the "LAN Control" mode, only in this way you can manage the Smart bulb via the local network.

Command Line

To manage Yeelight Smart bulbs via the command line, please take note of the following requirements:

To manage the Yeelight Smart bulb, just run the command "yeecli" followed by some parameters. To get a list of available parameters, run the command "yeecli" or "yeecli --help", the following output shows the parameters that can be used with the command "yeecli":

Usage: yeecli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Easily control the YeeLight RGB LED lightbulb.

  --version                   Show the version and exit.
  --ip IP                     The bulb's IP address.
  --port PORT                 The bulb's port.
  -e, --effect EFFECT         The transition effect.
  -d, --duration DURATION_MS  The transition effect duration.
  -b, --bulb NAME             The name of the bulb in the config file.
  --auto-on / --no-auto-on    Whether to turn the bulb on automatically before
                              a command (on by default).

  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.

  brightness   Set the brightness of the bulb.
  hsv          Set the HSV value of the bulb.
  preset       Various presets.
  pulse        Pulse the bulb in a specific color.
  rgb          Set the RGB value of the bulb.
  save         Save the current settings as default.
  status       Show the bulb's status.
  temperature  Set the color temperature of the bulb.
  toggle       Toggle the bulb's state on or off.
  turn         Turn the bulb on or off.

Most of the parameters require the IP address of the Smart bulb, for example if the IP address of the Smart bulb is, to know the current state of the light bulb just run the command "yeecli --ip= status" - the following is its output:

Bulb parameters:
* power: on
* bright: 1
* ct: 1746
* rgb: #fffb00
* hue: 59
* sat: 100
* color_mode: 1
* flowing: 0
* delayoff: 0
* music_on: 0
* name: None
* bg_power: None
* bg_flowing: None
* bg_ct: None
* bg_bright: None
* bg_hue: None
* bg_sat: None
* bg_rgb: None
* nl_br: None
* active_mode: None
* current_brightness: 1

For a list of the various presets usable, just run the command "yeecli --ip= preset --help" - the following is its output:

Usage: yeecli preset [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Various presets.

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  alarm         Flash a red alarm.
  christmas     Christmas lights.
  disco         Party.
  lsd           Color changes to a trippy palette.
  police        Police lights.
  police2       More police lights.
  random        Random colors.
  redgreenblue  Change from red to green to blue.
  slowdown      Cycle with increasing transition time.
  stop          Stop any currently playing presets and return to the prior...
  strobe        Epilepsy warning.
  sunrise       Simulate sunrise in seconds (default 5min).
  temp          Slowly-changing color temperature.


PHP language

The following script turns on the Smart bulb, sets the Red color and brightness to 50%, and after 5 seconds sets the Green color and brightness to 100%:

require "Yeelight.class.php";

$yee = new Yeelight("", 55443);

$yee->set_power("on"); // power on
$yee->set_rgb(0xFF0000); // color to red
$yee->set_bright(50); // brightness to 50%

$yee->commit(); // changes are not sent to the bulb before commit() is called

$yee->set_rgb(0x00FF00)->set_bright(100)->commit(); // calls return the object for fast chaining of commands

$status = $yee->get_prop("power")->commit(); // get current status


The following script turns on the Smart light bulb, sets a custom color flow for 10 seconds, then turns off the color flow and return to the default color:

require "Yeelight.class.php";

$yee = new Yeelight("", 55443);

$status = $yee->set_power(on)->commit();
$status = $yee->start_cf(0,1,"7000,1,10751,100,7000,1,65280,100,7000,1,255,100,7000,1,16776960,100")->commit();


$status = $yee->stop_cf()->commit();


Python language

The following script shows some information about the Smart bulb, turns the bulb on and off, sets the Red color and brightness to 50%, and after 5 seconds sets the Green color and brightness to 100%:

import time, logging
from yeelight import Bulb


def main():
    bulb = Bulb("")
    # push method ensure_on to power on the bulb automatically before each operation
    bulb.auto_on = 1
    # Return the specifications (e.g. color temperature min/max) of the bulb.
    print (bulb.get_model_specs())
    print ()
    # Retrieve and return the properties of the bulb.
    print (bulb.get_properties())
    print ()
    # Turn the bulb off + 1 second delay.
    # Turn the bulb on + 1 second delay.
    # Turn the bulb off + 1 second delay.
    # Turn the bulb on if it is off.
    # Set RGB color and brightness
    # 5 seconds delay.
    # Set RGB color and brightness
    # Display if Bulb is on or off.
    print ("Bulb is " + bulb.get_properties().get("power", "off"))
if __name__ == '__main__':

The following script turns on the Smart light bulb, sets a custom color flow for 10 seconds, then turns off the color flow and returns to the default color:

import time, logging
from yeelight import Bulb, RGBTransition, Flow


def int_color_to_rgb(color):
    """Convert a int color string to an RGB tuple."""
        Blue = color & 255
        Green = (color >> 8) & 255
        Red = (color >> 16) & 255
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        print('Unrecognized color...', file=sys.stderr)
        red, green, blue = (0, 0, 0)
    return Red, Green, Blue

def main():
    bulb = Bulb("")
    # Turn the bulb on
    # Start a color flow.
    red1, green1, blue1 = int_color_to_rgb(10751)
    red2, green2, blue2 = int_color_to_rgb(65280)
    red3, green3, blue3 = int_color_to_rgb(255)
    red4, green4, blue4 = int_color_to_rgb(16776960)
    duration = 7000
    brightness = 100
    transitions = [
        RGBTransition(red1, green1, blue1, duration=duration, brightness=brightness),
        RGBTransition(red2, green2, blue2, duration=duration, brightness=brightness),
        RGBTransition(red3, green3, blue3, duration=duration, brightness=brightness),
        RGBTransition(red4, green4, blue4, duration=duration, brightness=brightness),
    # count=0 just means infinite loop
    flow = Flow(count=0, transitions=transitions)
    # 10 seconds delay
    # Stop color flow
if __name__ == '__main__':